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Department of Genetics


Charles Darwin Professorship of Animal Embryology

The Board of Electors to the Charles Darwin Professorship of Animal Embryology invite applications for this endowed Professorship from persons whose work is connected with animal or human developmental biology, to take up appointment on 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Candidates will have an outstanding research record of international stature in a research area related to developmental biology, with a focus on animal or human embryology, and the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence. They will hold a PhD or equivalent postgraduate qualification.

Standard professorial duties include research, teaching and examining, supervision and administration. The Professor will be based in Cambridge. A competitive salary will be offered.

Further information at or by contacting the Human Resources, University Offices, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TT, (email:

Applications, consisting of a letter of application, a statement of current and future research plans, a curriculum vitae and a publications list, along with details of three referees should be made online no later than 15 October 2024.

Informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Sarah Bray, Joint Head of Department Physiology Development and Neuroscience, tel: +44 (0)1223 765222, e-mail:

Please quote reference PC42942 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

Research Associate (Fixed Term)

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join the group of Dr Antoine Hocher at the Department of Genetics in central Cambridge. We are looking for a curiosity-driven and ambitious biologist to join our small team focusing on molecular mimicry. The successful candidate will be leading key bioinformatics projects of the lab, including screens to identify new DNA mimicking proteins, in silico protein engineering to create entirely new mimicking proteins and studying the natural diversity of mimics and their evolution.

The focus of the role will be to establish large scale bioinformatic screens to identify new cases of molecular mimicry. This involves combining protein structure prediction tools (Alphafold, Rosetta) with tailored structure comparison algorithms. In addition, the applicant will explore the natural diversity of DNA mimicking proteins to understand the determinants of successful molecular mimicry. This background knowledge will be used in combination with in silico protein design tools to explore the production of entirely new mimicking proteins. The applicant will also have the opportunity to study the implication of DNA mimicking proteins in prokaryotic gene flow, and more particularly in the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.

This is a bioinformatics role, therefore significant coding experience is essential, with knowledge in protein structure analysis. The candidate must be fluent in Python or R with familiarity in high performance computing. Working knowledge of protein sequence evolution analysis would also be valuable. Candidates with a mixed wet-lab and bioinformatics background are encouraged to apply, as the role can potentially be adapted to include wet-lab experiments depending on the candidate's expertise and interests. A strong knowledge and, more importantly, a broad curiosity about protein-DNA interactions across the tree of life are essential.

Suitable applicants should hold a PhD in a relevant scientific discipline and be able to demonstrate a driven work ethic and perseverance. A track record in protein structure analysis is a plus. They will ideally have experience of supervising junior lab members and students and be confident at delivering bioinformatic training.

Strong communication skills and the ability to discuss research with different audiences is essential. This includes presenting at conferences, contributing to publications, supporting teaching activities and helping to lead group discussions.

Informal enquiries about the role are welcome and should be directed to Dr Antoine Hocher

The role is available for an immediate start and we will be looking to interview shortly after the closing date. The start date is flexible but ideally no later than January 2025.