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Department of Genetics


The information on this page applies to undergraduate students. Please see the work experience page for our other work experience options.

Lab Experience

There are various opportunities available in the Department, and several sources of financial support as outlined below.  The Department is focusing on providing lab experience to underrepresented and disadvantaged groups and has committed to the Experience Postgrad Life Sciences Programme which is a widening participation initiative organised by the Postgraduate School for Life Sciences.

Interested students should approach Group Leaders directly to find out if they have research opportunities in their Labs. See our listing of labs. Obviously the earlier you apply, the better. Some closing dates for funding are as early as February.

The Stephen Johnson Research Bursary

The Department of Genetics offers a small number of undergraduate 10-week research bursaries, through the generosity of Stephen Johnson, a former Part II student. They are open to second year students, in either NST or MVST, who intend to read Part II Genetics as their final year option.

The research must be carried out under the supervision of a Principal Investigator who is a member of the Department of Genetics. A list of research groups and their fields of research can be found here. Students will receive stipends at the living wage level.

Application forms can be found here and should be sent to the Secretary to the Head of Department at along with a CV and a brief description of the proposed project, which must have been discussed with the head of the host laboratory. 

The deadline for applications is Friday 02 May 2025, and successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible after this (no later than the end of May).  

The Richard Wilson Research Bursary

The Department of Genetics is delighted to announce a Bursary to encourage research exchanges in genetics between The University of Cambridge and the University of Glasgow. Bursaries are funded by the generosity of the late Dr Richard Wilson, Glasgow Genetics Department, who spent 40 years conveying his enthusiasm for genetics and evolutionary biology to students and research colleagues alike.

The Richard Wilson Bursary supports funding of student exchanges between Glasgow and Cambridge and will facilitate undergraduate students at any stage from the University of Glasgow or Cambridge to study at the opposite University. Glasgow students coming to Cambridge for periods of 8-10 weeks will receive stipends at the living wage level.

University of Cambridge students wishing to spend a summer in a lab at the University of Glasgow carrying out research in the general area of genetics should contact for further details.

Completed applications for all summer awards should be returned to the Secretary to the Head of Department at:

The deadline for applications is Friday 02 May 2025, and successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible (no later than the end of May).

Balfour-Browne Fund

Any person working in the University, who need not be a member of the University, is eligible to apply. However, the Fund Managers will give preference to current Part II students and IB Natural Science Tripos students intending to take Genetics or Zoology for their Part II course. The Managers would particularly like to support studies in the field, especially in the United Kingdom.

This is an excellent way for students to gain experience of research relating to insects, and in the past this fund has supported students working as voluntary research assistants on projects in the field, summer studentships in Cambridge labs, and student-led expeditions. Labs in Cambridge may be able to offer projects if you contact them.

Applicants may request funds either for maintenance (in which case this will be paid as an internship in line with the National Living Wage of £423.28 per week for up to 6 weeks) and/or for research costs, such as travel or equipment.

More information on this fund can be found here.

Other possible funding

  • Experience Postgrad Life Sciences :  Students will receive the Real Living Wage and will be accommodated at Corpus Christi.  
  • Genetics Society: Students will recieve £300/week allowance for up to 8 weeks and a place on the 2-3 day student Summer School Workshop
  • Amgen : Support for students participating in the Amgen Scholars Programme. 
  • Laidlaw Programme: students from Newnham, Trinity Hall, Murray Edwards and Fitzwilliam colleges can apply to be a funded student visitor for 6 weeks.
  • Colleges : Many Colleges provide funding to support students wishing to gain lab experience during the summer vacation

Collated information about vacation funding can also be found here.


Students should discuss accommodation needs with their supervisor prior to placement.

In this useful piece in Varsity, Bethan Clarke talks about the value of her experiences on an informal placement in the Steventon Lab during the summer between Part 1A and Part 1B.