The Part II Genetics Course Booklet for IB students for 2024/25 is available to download. It provides detailed information about the course structure, qualifications for admission, and how to apply.
Why choose Genetics for Part II?
When asked what were the most important aspects of the course for them personally, Part II Genetics students tend to cite:
- The broad coverage of the course, which equips Genetics graduates with the necessary skills to continue either in the same subject area, or in other scientific disciplines
- The small size of the Department and its friendly nature, which means that the 20-30 Part II students, besides getting to know each other very well, also interact closely with lecturers and other staff members involved in the course, forming useful contacts and picking up helpful information in tea breaks
2020/21 Part II Genetics students celebrating the end of their year with Pizza and Bubbles
Students can take Genetics at Part II in different ways:
Single subject in Part II NST.
You will take four modules (out of the five offered) plus the module-linked data handling/problem solving and journal criticism sessions, and the Social Aspects of Genetics (SAG) discussions. You will also undertake a research project (wet and/ or dry) and linked literature review.
Here are some recent examples of projects offered.
Four paper subject in Part II BBS [BBS code 414]
You will take four Genetics modules (including module-linked journal and problem sessions), together with another one paper (your minor subject) and complete a dissertation. You can select your minor subject from the list of permissible options available. Students choosing the BBS route will have Genetics as their ‘home’ department and have access to exactly the same facilities as single subject NST students.
For more information about BBS options see:
Here are some recent examples of dissertations offered.
One Genetics module taken as a Part II BBS Minor subject
Two of our modules are offered as Minor subjects to Part II BBS students: M3 Genetics of Health & Disease and M4 Evolutionary Genetics & Adaptation. In addition to the lectures, you will be expected to attend relevant journal and data handling/problem solving sessions for that module.
For more information about BBS options see:
The Department also offers a stand-alone module in Bioinformatics that is available as a minor subject to BBS students. More information about the Bioinformatics minor subject can be found here:
The procedure and timetable for applying for your chosen Part II Course[s] is described on
Interested in Vacation Research Opportunities?
Check out our Vacation Research opportunities page for further information, including what funding options are available.
If you have a questions that are answered by the Part II Genetics Brochure, please email Amy Bains, Undergraduate Teaching Administrator.