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Department of Genetics


Our department offers students two opportunities to meet some of our members of staff and learn about the application process for all our Postgraduate Programmes. We run our own Virtual Postgrad Open House, where we briefly review the application process and then give students a chance to meet one-on-one and in small groups with our Group Leaders. This is a great chance to discuss your science interests and start to make those early connections.  We also participate in the University Postgraduate Subject Open Days which run each autumn.

Our 2024 Virtual Open House presentation can be found here! 

University Postgraduate Open Day 2024 

We encourage all potential students to please sign up here for the Fall 2024 University Open Day events!

The Virtual Postgraduate Open Days will be running from 4 – 15 November. The first week (Monday 4 – Friday 8 November) will focus on subject information and the SBS slot day is: Wednesday 6 November 2024.



Student Testimonials