The department and its research groups have a variety of imaging related equipment. Some is restricted to research groups, some is shared on an ad-hoc basis and some is operated as a small research facility.
In general, training is required before these systems can be used.
Please direct microscopy queries to If possible describe any problem briefly in the email subject, specifying which equipment you think is relevant.
Useful Links
- Introduction to fluorescence microscopy (Microscopy U)
- Introduction to confocal microscopy (Microscopy U)
- Proper use of immersion oil (Nikon Imaging Centre, Harvard)
- Inverted microscope basics
Booking and Usage Recording
Where equipment is bookable bookings can be usually made on the Departmental Resource Booking website. If usage is charged for then the time that users are logged in to the microscope is also recorded (to the nearest 15min,) so that for every 15min per day the microscope is either unbooked, booked by someone or used by someone. When the microscope is used or booked then the person (or their research group) will be invoiced at the end of the quarter.
For example:
- Alice books a microscope from 10 until 12.
- Alice is delayed and starts imaging at 10:20 but her samples aren't great so she stops at 11:25. She mails the mailing list for the microscope in case someone else can use it.
- Bob hasn't booked the microscope, but has samples prepared so he starts using the microscope at 11:35 until 12:40
The system will record:
Start | End | Length | Used | User |
10:00 | 10:15 | 0.25 | No | Alice |
10:15 | 11:30 | 1.25 | Yes | Alice |
11:30 | 12:45 | 1.25 | Yes | Bob |
Advanced Microscopy
Abberior STED
A super-resolution system with both inverted and upright stands. This microscope is operated through CAIC. Requests for training and access should be made via the CAIC PPMS booking system after watching the introductory video. We would expect potential users of this microscope to have extensive experience of confocal microscopy as it is a complicated instrument.
Leica SP8
An inverted, spectrally resolved confocal microscope with environmental chamber. This microscope is charged internally at £24/hr 6am-6pm, £12/hr 6pm-6am. Training is available for staff & postgraduates with experience of using oil immersion on inverted microscope (there is a training inverted microscope where you can gain this experience.)
- Watch the introductory video
- Set up your CAIC account and project.
- Complete the training request form.
Nikon Eclipse C1si
An upright, spectrally resolved confocal microscope. This microscope is charged internally at £13/hr 6am-6pm, £6.50/hr 6pm-6am. Training is available for staff & postgraduates:
- Complete the training/authorisation form which must be countersigned by a grant holder, email to or print and leave in Ian Clark's pigeonhole.
Confocal microscopy uses intense light sources, usually lasers. An example risk assessment is available.