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Department of Genetics


A repeat of emails sent to Hermes users, in order to prove they are genuine. Also some answers to questions.

Q & A

Q: What happens to retired people
A: UIS have not decided what to do yet. See:

Hermes no forwarding

Dear all,

You all have email addresses on Hermes which do not appear to forward email elsewhere. These will stop working, so you will need to move your email account elsewhere. I would also recommend checking that there are no emails you'd like to keep saved on Hermes

As a bare minimum you should forward email elsewhere:

1. Visit
2. Click edit
3. Scroll to "@cam delivery address"
4. Enter your preferred forwarding address
5. Scroll to the bottom and save
6. Send a test mail from another account to ensure it's working

You may like to review some further information on the removal of the Hermes service, so I attach a brief summary of the background and some options.

For questions about Hermes, Exchange and Lookup please contact as these are UIS systems. I am happy to help with Genetics systems.


Hermes forwarding elsewhere

Dear all,

You all have Hermes addresses which forward email elsewhere, but these will stop working and you have not set up alternative email forwarding on your address yet. I would also recommend checking that there are no emails you'd like to keep saved on Hermes.

You should arrange to forward email elsewhere:

1. Visit
2. Click edit
3. Scroll to "@cam delivery address"
4. Enter your preferred forwarding address
5. Scroll to the bottom and save
6. Send a test mail from another account to ensure it's working

You can also forward email:

1. Connect to the University network (VPN, eduroam or a wired connection in the department)
2. Visit
3. Scroll to "Mail sent to these addresses will be forwarded to"
4. Enter your preferred forwarding address
5. Click save
6. Send a test mail from another account to ensure it's working

You may like to review some further information on the removal of the Hermes service, so I attach a brief summary of the background and some options.

For questions about Hermes, Exchange and Lookup please contact as these are UIS systems. I am happy to help with Genetics systems.


Hermes probably unused

Dear all,

You all have Hermes addresses, but your email address is directed elsewhere. I assume that your Hermes account is unused, but you may like to check there are no emails left in it that you may need before the system closes at the end of the year.

You may like to review some further information on the removal of the Hermes service, so I attach a brief summary of the background and some options.

For questions about Hermes, Exchange and Lookup please contact as these are UIS systems. I am happy to help with Genetics systems.
