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Department of Genetics



Christine studied genetics and biochemistry at QMC, University of London, where she obtained a BSc and PhD. After postdoctoral work at the Institute of Cancer Research and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund she moved to Cambridge, as a MRC Senior Research Fellow, and later took up a university lectureship in the Department of Genetics.


We are interested in chromosome biology and the relationship between the structural organisation of vertebrate chromosomes and their function. Previously we have derived a minimal human chromosome, studied de novo telomere formation and genetically manipulated cultured vertebrate cells in order to study various chromosomally-associated proteins, such as the TTAGGG repeat binding factor TRF1 and Topoisomerase II (alpha and beta). Current research focuses on (i) the functional organisation of vertebrate centromere domains; (ii) the role of topoisomerase II at the centromere; (iii) the influence of SUMOylation on its activity; and (iv) topoisomerase II and mitotic chromosome condensation. Our studies combine vertebrate somatic cell genetics with cell biology and imaging techniques.

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Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)
University Associate Professor
Dr Christine  Farr
Areas of Interest: 
Chromosome Biology
Email address: 
Department of Genetics,
University of Cambridge,
Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EH,
United Kingdom
Office phone: 
+44 (0)1223 333972
Takes PhD students
