Since 2019/04 Postdoc in the group of Professor White, PDN
2016/04-2019/03 Postdoc in the group of Professor Russell at the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK.
2012/05-2016/03 Postdoc in the lab of Associate Professor Dr. Celik at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. Topic: Differentiation of photoreceptor cells in the Drosophila retina.
- Generation of FlyOde, a web-tool for Drosophila researchers.
- Establishment of a method to purify specific cell types from Drosophila retinas via magnetic beads for expression profiling.
- Instructor for confocal microscopy at the Bioimaging Resource Center, MBG.
2013/05-2015/04 Marie Sklodowska-Curie / Tübitak Cofund fellowship.
2009/02-2012/04 Postdoc in the group of Professor Dr. Rottner at the Institute of Genetics, University Bonn, and at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany. Topic: Role of Arp2/3 complex on actin structure and dynamics in lamellipodia maintenance.
- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) microscopy in combination with microinjection of recombinant proteins on moving cultured cells showed that Arp2/3 complex is essential for actin network treadmilling, and dissected up- and downstream players.
- Targeting of a protein of interest to Microtubules to in vivo assay its actin filament nucleating ability (novel method).
2008/10-2008/12 Postdoc in the group of Professor Dr. Small at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology Ges.m.b.H. (IMBA), Vienna, Austria.
2004/04-2008/09 Ph.D. student in the group of Professor Dr. Small, IMBA. Title: “Correlating structure and dynamics of lamellipodia and determination of the F- and G-actin concentrations in lamellipodia.”
- Correlative light- and electron microscopy showed that the actin filament architecture is rearranged upon change of lamellipodial protrusive activity.
- Establishment of a novel method to measure the local F- and G-actin concentrations in lamellipodia of cultured cells.
2004 Diploma (Master) in Biology/Genetics at the University of Vienna, Austria.
2002/02-2004/03 Diploma thesis in the group of Professor Dr. Schweyen at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna. Title: “Localization and functional characterization of the yeast Cos16 protein, a putative Mg2+ transporter in the endoplasmic reticulum.”
- Application of cell fractionation, genetic, biochemical and molecular biology assays, and imaging.
- Genetic screen.
- Microarray.
2001/02-2001/06 Erasmus-internship in the lab of Dr. Sardet at the Institute of Molecular Genetics (IGMM), CNRS, Montpellier, France.
Korona D., Koestler S.A., Russell S. 2017 (Review)
Engineering the Drosophila genome for developmental biology.
J. Dev. Biol., 5(4), 16; doi:10.3390/jdb5040016
Koestler S.A.*, #, Alaybeyoglu B.*,Weichenberger X.C., Celik A., 2015. *Equal contribution. #Corresponding author. 2015
FlyOde - A platform for community curation and interactive visualization of dynamic gene regulatory networks in Drosophila eye development.
F1000Research, 4:1484; WWW resource:
Steffen A., Koestler S.A., Rottner K. 2014. (Review)
Requirements for and Consequences of Rac-dependent Protrusion.
European Journal of Cell Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2014.01.008
Koestler S.A.*, Steffen A.*, Nemethova M., Winterhoff M., Luo N., Holleboom J.M., Krupp J., Jacob S., Vinzenz M., Schur F., Schlüter K., Gunning P.W., Winkler C., Schmeiser C., Faix J., Stradal T.E., Small J.V., Rottner K. *Equal contribution. 2013.
Arp2/3 complex is essential for actin network treadmilling as well as for targeting of capping protein and cofilin.
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 24(18):2861-75. (Cover story)
Vinzenz M., Nemethova M., Schur F., Mueller J., Narita A., Urban E., Winkler C., Schmeiser C., Koestler S.A., Rottner K., Resch G.P., Maeda Y., Small J.V. 2012.
Actin branching in the initiation and maintenance of lamellipodia.
Journal of Cell Science 125, 2775–2785
Breitsprecher D., Koestler S.A., Chizhov I., Nemethova M., Mueller J., Goode B.L., Small J.V., Rottner K., Faix J. 2011.
Cofilin cooperates with fascin to disassemble filopodial actin filaments.
Journal of Cell Science 124(19):3305-18
Oelkers J.M., Vinzenz M., Nemethova M., Jacob S., Lai,F.P.L., Block J., Szczodrak M., Kerkhoff E., Backert S., Schlüter K., Stradal T.E.B., Small J.V., Koestler S.A.*, Rottner K.* *Equal contribution. 2011.
Microtubules as platforms for assaying actin polymerization in vivo.
PLoS One,6(5):e19931.
Koestler S.A., Rottner K., Lai F., Block J., Vinzenz M., Small J.V. 2009.
F- and G-actin concentrations in lamellipodia of moving cells.
PLoS One, 4(3):e4810.
Koestler S.A., Auinger S., Vinzenz M., Rottner K., Small J.V. 2008.
Differentially oriented populations of actin filaments generated in lamellipodia collaborate in pushing and pausing at the cell front.
Nature Cell Biology 10:306-13.
Featured as
Research Highlight by Kritikou, E. 2008. Cell Migration: Collaborations at the cell front. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 9:184
Research Roundup by LeBrasseur, N. 2008. Variety in leading edge actin. J Cell Biol. 180(5):849
Block J., Stradal,T.E., Hanisch J., Geffers R., Kostler S.A., Urban E., Small J.V., Rottner K., Faix J. 2008.
Filopodia formation induced by active mDia2/Drf3.
Journal of Microscopy. 231:506-17.
Small J.V., Auinger S., Nemethova M., Koestler S., Goldie K.N., Hoenger A., Resch G.P. 2008.
Unravelling the structure of the lamellipodium.
Journal of Microscopy. 231:479-85.