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Department of Genetics


Born and raised in USA. Studied in Heidelberg, Germany for an MSc in Molecular Biology. Currently a PhD candidate in Genetics with the Summers group.

Teaching and Supervisions


I have supervised Part II Genetics students in our laboratory, I demonstrate for the Molecules in Medical Science (MIMS) course, and for Part IA Biology of Cells. I am heavily involved with Gonville & Caius outreach for Cambridge undergraduate applicants, and I organised and taught a Cambridge Higher Aspirations Scheme supervision course. I have also delivered a number of lectures about antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including one for the University of Cambridge HE+ website.

Other Professional Activities

I have been involved with Students for Global Health (SfGH) Cambridge since 2020 where I helped to organise a Global Health Lecture Series, and I was involved with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Assembly simulation (CamWHO). I most recently have been a leading member of the SfGH national working group against AMR and its political advocacy stream. Our hopes are to implement changes in the UK national curriculum at the primary and secondary levels.

I was also involved with the Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS) Entrepreneurship programme, EnterpriseTECH, where I acted as the team communicator lead for a project to assess the commericial feasibility of x-ray detectors in various markets. 

Postgraduate Student : Summers Group
 Cameron  Croft
Areas of Interest: 
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), E. coli Biofilms, Medical Microbiology, Anti-biofilm Therapeutics
Email address: 
