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Department of Genetics


School students from Japan visit Cambridge, Nov 2015

Kimata school visit Nov 2015 Group 475

On 17th November the Department of Genetics hosted 32 junior high school students (14-15 years old) from Japan. As well as touring the labs, they heard short talks about our research and experiences in Cambridge, and also visited the Depts of Biochemistry and Engineering, and the Gurdon Institute.

 Kimata school visit Nov 2015 lab 475


Cambridge Science Festival, April 2015

Jonathan Lawson participated in the Cambridge Science Festival again this year, this time appearing on 'BBC Look East', and doing a live double act with comedian Robin Ince, which incorporated someof his 'Weird and Wacky Wildlife' friends [see below, Jul-Aug 2014]. This is apart from being involved on the organising side of the Festival,  ...  and submitting his PhD thesis.

Various videos of the Festival are available on YouTube although, alas, not one of Jonathan's comedy performance.


Centre for Science and Policy internship, February 2015

Gunel Huseynova is undertaking a part-time internship with the Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP),  a network of experts linking science and policy.  Through this initiative, academic experts can contribute to resolving high-priority public policy issues, such as ageing, big data, and climate change. Gunel has found this a very helpful experience. Recently Gunel also spent 3 days at the Government Office for Science, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Research Funding Unit, where she shadowed a senior policy advisor and learned a lot about the funding system in the UK.

Gunel's internship will end in March 2015, and a case study will be available.

CSaP home :

Gunel's CSaP profile :

Case study of ex-Department member Leila Luheishi [now Science Programme Lead at Public Health Genomics] is available here :  


Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment, February 2015

Gunel Huseynova has also been helping to organise Cambridge Forum for Sustainability and the Environment. Ffounded in 2013, this network brings together high profile academics and industry experts across disciplines, to discuss some of the  sustainability issues our society and planet has to face today and in the future, including biodiversity, energy and food security issues.

CSFE home :

Gunel's CSFE profile :